About US
We coach you to your highest potential! Whether your dream is personal or business related we can help you open to the possibility and find yourself living your deepest desire. This is a proven step-by-step path to finding your purpose and your happiness.
We help you learn how to rely on and believe in your unlimited potential and power. We already know that you’ve experienced flashes of intuitive knowledge and big thinking that has you wondering just how far you could go if only…
We’re here to help you stir up that innate knowing and self-trust already instilled deep in your soul. We help you forge forward when the “old you” would rather give up and turn back.
Right now, you’re standing at the doorway to your greatest life. It’s time to seek out your destiny. It’s time to see and achieve one dream after another with a clear-headed and confident stride… no matter how big you might think that dream to be.
Carol Wight
Downloadable Book
10 Step Book to Help You Build Your Dream
Download the book here or follow the lessons on this website or both. It’s all free! We just want you to have the life you came here to have…your dream life.
Ten Steps Blog
Follow AlongLet Your Dream Build You
What does it mean to let your dream build you? Simply it means that once you have had the thought and infused it with belief, you need only to keep this thought as your primary, front-of-your-mind belief and it will be yours. It's not easy and it's not human nature...
What is a Mastermind Group?
What is a mastermind group? The original author of the mastermind concept was Napoleon Hill. In fact the Power of the Mastermind is the 9th step toward riches in his book, Think & Grow Rich. He noted that the great men of his time surrounded themselves with other...
Principle of Your Personal Power
Tap Into Your Personal Power The underling principle of dream building is this: The personal power that is within each of us is greater than anything that is in our surroundings. The power that is within each of us is greater than any circumstance of our life. The...
Using Divine Discontent as a Launchpad
Divine discontent, what is it? Divine Discontent is a message that there is something more for our life... We can use our discontent as the launchpad of our dreams... We don’t always know what our life’s purpose or journey is supposed to be or we may have so many...
You Can Have It All
You have done the work. Congratulations! Your dream is manifesting right now! You have listened to your heart about your longings and discontent. You have discovered, designed and tested your dream. You have written your dream in much detail and in present tense. You...
The Importance of Forgiveness
The Importance of Forgiveness In Life "Forgiveness is not always easy. At times, it feels more painful than the wound we suffered, to forgive the one that inflicted it. And yet, there is no peace without forgiveness." Marianne Williamson "You can't grow a healthy...
Define Intuitive
"The life you are holding in your hand is yours. The life each one of us holds and experiences is controlled by what we do and what we choose. You feel yourself seeking to express a freer, fuller, more creative and more expanded life. As you say YES to this life, you...
Change Your Paradigm, Change Your Life
Getting to your dream is simple, it's not easy. One of the most important things you will have to do to get to your dream is change your paradigm. You are where you are today because of your beliefs and thinking. Look around you, are you happy with the results? Is...
How to Use the Law of Attraction to Get to Your Dream
The law of attraction (LOA) at it's most basic level is that like attracts like. If you are going to attract certain things, you are dreaming of, in your life you will need to think, act and believe in "like" things. Your thinking is critical. This life you are living...
Facing Your Fear
If your dream is big enough you can't help but be a bit fearful that little ol' you don't know enough to get there from here. Perfect! That is the way a big dream should feel, SCARY... and exciting. In this step you are bridging the gap between the life you are living...
You Deserve Your Dream
You have designed your dream life. You have tested it for its worthiness of you, not whether you are worthy of it. Now it's time to get into a feeling of deserving. Our paradigms (thoughts, feelings and beliefs) hold us back from feeling deserving of our biggest...
Design and Test Your Dream
Now you have thought about what makes you crazy and what makes you happy. From this place of knowing what your heart desires you can start to plan, design and test your dream but first you must put together the blueprint for the next stage of your life. A couple of...
My Dream Builder Vision
I am so happy and grateful that, I am sitting on the beach in Costa Rica. I just had a wonderful breakfast of fruit, yogurt, nuts and coffee. I have two dream builder group coaching calls scheduled today to help people find their dream life. That is what I do, I help...
Discovering Your Dream
Now you've at least thought of some portions of your life where you are not content, maybe you have seen others with a lifestyle you want to have. Both discontent and longing are a beginning to discovering your dream. We are not going to dwell in the negative but it's...
Discontent In Life? – Learn to Listen to Your Longings
Overcome Discontent In Life Your discontent is the best way for you to identify what your next step should be in life. When you have an unfulfilled longing, don't despair, consider it a message from life telling you that something more is in store for you. Take it to...